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Aleyways: Do you know?


Do you know?

How great, is our God? sing with me. How great, is our God? And all will see how great, how great is our God. Name above all names. Worthy of all praise. Our hearts will sing how great, how great, is our God. That song has been going through my head all morning. So, how great is our God? Greater than you can even begin to describe! That's my guess. I'm trying to do calc...hahahaha, obviously that's not getting done. I think we should take some of the songs that the band did at Oasis and learn them and do them for youth worship. Good idea, bad idea? Give me some feedback. I had a HORRIBLY boring "induction ceremony" last night for NHS. Man, it was only about 45 minutes but it seemed so much longer. I don't know why I felt the need to mock the fomality of the entire event but I did, and I did throughout the whole thing pretty much. I don't know, I guess its a good thing, but its not that big of a deal and it makes me laugh when people make something like that such a HUGE ordeal. Other than colleges wanting me more, the only thing it means for me is getting up earlier every wednesday morning for meeting. ya. I'll try and contain my enthusiasm. school friday! YAY!! uuhhh, hmm, what else can I talk about? Ok, I'm done for now. More later.


Blogger Brenton said...

Everytime i get a song stuck in my head, i usually play it on guitar, (try) sing it, and it usually gets unstuck! all the more reason you should learn the guitar!! totally for expanding our list of songs for worship! you should post a list of the ones you want on the youth blog and see what people think!

And hey....i know all bout those honor societies....seem pointless...but they can give ya some good scholarship money....keep pluggin with it!

11:22 AM  

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