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Aleyways: Pimpin' the "bling bling"......cross?


Pimpin' the "bling bling"......cross?

Ok, so I've noticed it countless times before but I've never really thought about it a ton before today. When did crosses become a fashion accessory? Have crosses become such an archetype that no one remembers what they symbolize? If you're not a Christian I don't understand the appeal behind dangling a cross from your neck. I know they have made some of them rather elaborate, and I'm not saying they shouldn't be made beautiful, but really, to non-Christians, its just an uneven "t." I mean, I suppose you don't have to be a Christian to wear a cross, but if you're not, what's the point, to accessorize your outfit? I also suppose people could be "Christians" in the sense that they believe in Jesus and just not live their lives in a way that is pleasing to God...
Where did all this supposing and stuff come from, you ask? Well, there was a new guy in my physics class. He was dressed in typical "gangster" clothes with a gold cross hanging in front of his dead rapper t-shirt. Now, I learned a long time ago not to judge some one by their clothes or by the fact that they are wearing a cross. He sat at our table and we were all conversing. Then he started cussing and talking about...inappropriate things (for lack of a better term) and how he cheated on his girlfriend. Then he reached up and adjusted the chain his cross was on. I couldn't help but wonder how he could say all that and actually be aware of the fact that he's wearing such a significant symbol. Then I realized crosses don't mean what I honestly think they still should. People don't wear crosses to show that they are Christians or to glorify their Lord, I think a lot of people don't give much thought to what they are wearing; they think it looks cool so when it compliments their style, they throw it on. Perhaps I'm over thinking this, and I am positively sure that to a lot of people crosses mean more than just "bling bling." OK, I just thought I'd share that, if you have any thoughts about that post 'em, there's my two cents on the isssue. Later days.


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