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Aleyways: So little time!


So little time!

So I'm running low on time, in fact if there was any way to extend this day and make it a 30-hour day instead of just 24 I would! I have so much to do, and not near enough time unless I skip that whole sleeping thing (which is overrated anyway, right Tim?) and stock my system up on espresso drinks. We're listening to Christmas music in leadership class right now and making cards for old people. I AM GOING CRAZY!!!! I love Christmas music, almost too much. I love anyone's Christmas music. But I'm sorry, it is WAY too soon. The earliest one should begin celbrating the Christmas season is the day after Thanksgiving. Otherwise, its going to get old, fast. If we celebrated it all year round, well, it would lose that "specialness" and everyone's just infuriating me; ruining my Christmas season!!! Ok, freak out over. Anyway. I just took a test over Beowulf....not fun, but I think I did fine. Multiple choice and matching tests rock my socks. Now I'm reading "That Hidious Strength" by C.S Lewis. Ok, this is the guy who wrote the "Chronicles of Narnia"....and this book is HORRIBLE!!! Its so boring and hard to follow. Its no "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." I'll be so happy when I'm out of that tretcherous (spell check) class. I'll have time to...have fun..yeah, I think that's what kids are still calling it, fun? *rolls eyes* Ok, I'll try and post something interesting later, when I have time to actually put some thought and emotion into it! I promise! Oh, and by the way Jon, I like my links just the way they are.... *evil grin* Peace out homies!


Blogger JC said...

Yeah know what?? U sound like you hate school. If that is the case, u are not alone. Everyone but pure freaks hate school. ( if you love school, I apologize).

On another note, i have to agree with Tim that christmas songs suck. THEY PURELY SUCK. They are too boring and there not hard enough. If theyre were heavy meatal or rock christmas songs then i might like them.


CHizzler out.

1:59 PM  
Blogger JC said...

Hey we are having a youth party at our house tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. until whenever.

You better be there:D


CHizzler out.

9:56 AM  

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