Fate?....probably not
Ok, so yeah, I'm bored! I'm starving on top of it all and I still have 40 minutes until lunch! So I'm going to tell a story, I think it's kinda wierd, and I don't know if I've ever told you guys about it before, but I think it just goes to prove that God has a plan for all of us and He will help us follow that plan in...unusual ways. The story is about my first visit to Vineyard. *Ahem* <--clearning throat. Zach had been planning on us going to this lock in thing at a church down town (b/c he knew Jenny and Lance). I had been trying to get some one, ANYONE to go to this awesome sounding Christian coffee house for months, but no one ever wanted to go and I was too shy to go by myself. The lock in fell on the same night as our Easter performance. I was singing and most of the youth group was there. After the performance, I was ready to go home. I had been toying with the idea of not going to this lock in that I had been planning on going to. I hadn't brought anything to the church with me, so I just told Zach and the others going, that I was just going to go home, I was simply too tired to go to some church lock in thingy. So I was standing around talking to some of the others who didn't go, and just people who had come to the performance, and I just kept thinking about the lock in. I was thinking "it's probably going to be super lame, and there won't be anyone there around my age except the people from Wallula, and the people in charge will be old and boring and..." then I would think "...but maybe not, maybe it would be a blast and if I don't go, granted I'll never know, I'll have missed out on something really great!" Sounds wierd right!? I know! But that really was what was going through my mind. So I decided I would go and check it out, stay for an hour or so and then leave. I took some of the rest of the girls with me and we headed down to Vineyard. And the rest is history. We ended up having so much fun we stayed all night. And to tell the truth, it was Luke and Bob who caused me to want to go to youth group there. They seemed so cool (then I got to know them....j/k...and I found out they were even cooler than I had thought! lol) . We decided that we would start going down there for their youth group since our's was sunday nights so it wouldn't interfere. And we did. So, there's the story. I just find it SO funny and completely wierd, after everything, and considering how we all are now, that I almost didn't go, but there was this little voice (not really, I'm not insane) that made me think "if you don't go, even though you won't know it, you'll regret it!" And I would have.
Ooh!First Comment!!! nice story, it made me wanna cry.
Oh and you can still get me that million dollar present if you want to, ok?? jk. Im gonna go buy my chistmas present thing for the party on wed. Oh, I only have one final left, SPANISH. Its gonna be easy cheesy.
JC out.
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