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Aleyways: Il y a un pamplemousse dans la frigo!


Il y a un pamplemousse dans la frigo!

I've only got one final left today! yay! Can't you feel the excitement. But I've got soooo much stuff to do after school! I have to go on a mini shopping spree, get my gift for tonight plus a few assorted others. Then, I'm still planning on bringing something edible tonight, but I might not have time for that, so we'll see. Then go over to Ali's and cook cook cook! I'm assuming my friends will want to do something after school...but I'm not sure they will want to include me. I've felt so out of the circle here lately, it really makes me want to cry. It's how it was before, when I had just become friends with Rach and Chaunty again and they were closer to each other than they were to me. And I know it's partially my fault, they hate all the time I spend doing church related stuff, and they're trying to understand, but it's just not going too well. I know I've been super busy with church stuff and that's not going to change, I don't want it to, I just hope they don't exclude me altogether, because that would break my heart.
Anyway...thursday will be busy too. I've never been one of those crazy, last minute shoppers but this year school stuff has forced me to be one. I have to finish all my shopping pretty much, I can do a little on friday. Then I'm going shopping for clothes to wear to the Christmas party and I need to go get all the stuff for what I'm making for the Christmas party, gifts and to take to my daddy's on Christmas Eve. But it'll be fun, I love Christmas time so much, I just wish I'd have had more time to enjoy it.


Blogger JC said...

Why did you put "There is a grapefruit in the refrigerator!" as your title in French??? Just wonderin. Well, tonite is gonna be the coolest/first church dinner thing ever!!

Talk to ya later gator


11:37 AM  
Blogger JC said...


3:28 PM  

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