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Aleyways: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...FO REAL!!!


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...FO REAL!!!

Hey everyone! So yesterday morning was interesting...want to hear about it? Ok, you convinced me! I was running usual, since its usual I guess its not really late...ok, so I was running on time and I had coffee and everything and I went to pull out of my drive way. Now, mind you, my low battery light had come on the day before, I just hadn't called my daddy to come and fix it since he wouldn't be able to come until this weekend anyway. My truck's a warrior, I figured it could make it. But it made a liar out of me that morning. My lights wouldn't even come on, well, they were on but they were so dim I couldn't see anything and it was making this horrible noise, like if I made it go anywhere, it was going to run me over and kill me dead as soon as I got out. So I went inside and waited for my mom to get around to taking me to school. Totally embarrassing being a senior, and having to be dropped off by my mommy. But no one was around so it was fine. I got to class late, but we don't start until around 8 anyway now with channel 1 news and all. But my seat in calc was taken so I had to sit behind this kid who likes me and always bugs me. Luckily he wasn't too bad that morning. Crazy morning!
The rest of the day was alright though, even though I had to skip lunch to work on my french project that needed to be finnished by last hour cause I was presenting...yeah...I am the BIGGEST procrastinator in the world! So I got yelled at for working on my poster during psych. but it was no biggy. Actually, I was multi-tasking, because we were watching a video on depression, which I find all that stuff fasinating. We watched a scitzophrenia video the day before and it was really interesting too. I think if a science major doesn't work out for me I might do psychology cause I really am interested in all that mental disorder stuff (wierd I know) plus I could help people, which is the real reason I'm into it. Anyway, then I went to french and my presentation was pretty good. One of my friends did her presentation on a french designer. Well, she had a power point and she made this runway and had all these model pictures walking down it. She told me she had a surprise for me in her presentation. So I'm looking at this picture thinking, man that chic looks familiar. IT WAS ME!! She had pasted my face on a model's body! I was cracking up! And it was one of my 8th grade pictures so my hair was blonde, which looked so bad! But it was funny. Especially since I wasn't the only one in the room to become a model on her power point.

So today was a...SNOW DAY!!!! I was so happy! I got to sleep in. Although, I was kind of sad. My mom got a call last night saying we weren't going to have school. So I knew last night. Good, cause I got to sleep in uninterrupted. But I love getting up at 6:00, turning on the news and finding out its a snow day. Then I do my happy dance and go back to bed. There was no happy dance this way. *sniffle* Oh well, still a good day. I did homework, my psychology paper on pet therapy, which I am an expert on myself, so writing the paper is a piece of chocolate cake! Then I watched a movie with ma mere, went to the Harbor with my frineds (man Ali, I got h.c. with irish creme, how can you drink that?!?! It was SOOOO sweet!) Then we walked around down town, nothing really to do. And now I'm at my neighbor's house to turn up her heat. She's stuck at her mom's house where she goes to college in a little one horse town called Hombolt. Fun.

I was soooo sad about youth group. I had been looking forward to it all day. But I spent a long time last night reading my Bible before I went to bed. I stayed up later cause I knew we weren't going to have school even before they called it. I read some good stuff! Big shock right, I mean, its the BIBLE!!! lol. Anyway, I'm off now, I don't know if we have voice practice tonight or not..hope so. I want to go sledding REAL BAD, worse than Napolian's lips hurt, but there are no hills around here that don't lead to a busy street...hmmm...j/k. That would be bad. So I'll see everyone saturday! YAY! Salute mes amis!


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