Act I, Scene iv, Take 5!
Drama. Or as my friends and I more affectionately, not really, call it bigones (bi-go-nayz). I decided I wanted to talk about this crud because well, its everywhere. I was the queen of drama my 7th grade year, but I'm glad for it; I got it out of my system. I always thought things were more interesting with drama, like if I didn't invent some, then things would be dull, and in 7th grade dull is not in your vocab. So my friends and I spent THE WHOLE YEAR fighting, constantly, just because we liked the drama. It wasn't until high school I realized that a lot of people don't grow out of it...ever! I have tons of friends who are still in it up to their eyeballs. I stay out of it whenver possible, but its not always possible right? I mean, I'm not saying here that I think some one creates whatever drama exists just for the sake of its existance. I don't think that at all. Of course there are situations that create it inevitably (NO ONE better correct my spelling!!!). At was everywhere, especially at the week long retreat we went on and it drove me crazy. I assumed that it was due to all the girls in the group, but boys have it too. I think, all in all, our group is pretty lacking in all that stuff, which makes me happy seeing as how much I loathe it. There's no use for it and some one always gets hurt in its destruction path, am I right or am I right? Soooo, moral of the story...stay away from drama....c'est tres mal!
On a lighter note: yesterday was awesome. That was a great youth group huh? Yeah, I thought so! Man, I laughed SO hard it really hurt. Since laughing is healthy for you, Ali and I must be the healthiest people in the whole entire world! So we have you guys to thank for that, especially Cody, JC, and Sean. Man, I almost fell in the floor when Cody asked what the big bird's name was. Oh man! Ok, I have lovely, disgusting calc to do. I'll see y'all tomorrow afternoon for an awesome weekend yeah? We're going to have fun yeah? I like talking like the Autralian Gecko from Gieco! Later.
hey yo, my problemo thing went away thanx to you and ali!! I love you guys..anyways, I'll see ya tomorrow!!
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