Apres AtF
So you want my take on the weekend do ya? You think you can handle it do ya? Ok, here goes..I thought this weekend was flippin' awesome! I had sooo much fun! The worship band was good, there no Frontline but only Frontline can be Frontline. The skit thing was soooooooooo cool, really, I loved the skit, that may have been my favorite part of the sessions (not including Jeremy Camp). Yeah, the performances, excluding a few, were extremely awesomely out of this world! Jeremy Camp was amazing, fo sho! Here's a few things I got out of it all:
1) That first night, when all those people went down there...I was shocked. I mean, I've heard some ultra-powerful messages before, complete with music and an awesome speaker, the kind of speech that would make anyone want to give up everything in their lives and simply spend every moment of every day praising and serving Jesus. Although I thought the music and speech was good...it wasn't that powerful. But for all those people to be so moved by it, moved enough to decide to give their lives to Jesus or renew their faith..it made me think. It doesn't take much, it doesn't take one of those life changing speeches to change a life. Sometimes all people need is to just hear something, because even if they don't hear exactly how wonderful a life with Jesus is, anything they hear about Him beats what they have. I just found that interesting.
2) The second time, when people went down and we all kept singing and then we prayed. I was just looking out over all those people and it was incredible. How can people see something like that and not be convinced that there is nothing better? Hundreds to thousands of people praising God, lifting their voices to Him, how can that not make everyone who's seen it want to join us? I have no idea whatsoever.
Anyhoo. Lets see...inside jokes.
Cookies = Courage?
Ring Ring. "Change my life, change my mind...." (Ali'll get that.)
"They were saying 'and on.' Oh, I thought they were saying 'Anton' I was wondering why they were singing about a guy named Anton!"
"Does everyone remember dressing up like a super hero when they were little?" "I was a laundry detergent box once."
Oh goodness, good times, good times. Reminds me of Explos and waining geight. LOL!
Anyhoo. Its so sad how much I'm looking forward to wednesday...really sad! I mean, geez, I spent all weekend, literally, with you people and yet I can't wait 'til youth group! lol, crazy! Going up to Lawrence was cool yesterday, it just gives me one more reason to consider KU more seriously; when I can't make it home for church I can go to Vineyard there. *shrugs* who knows what'll happen. I have no clue what's going to happen in the future, even this summer, I'm not sure about anymore. Kind of exciting!
I was in suuuch a good mood this morning. My alarm went off at 6:00 and usually I have to fight with my eyelids (full blown physical battle) to keep from going back to sleep. Today, I actually woke up and layed in bed listening to my music (Jeremy Camp). Then I ate breakfast (toast with grape jelly mmmmmm) and threw on some cruddy clothes ( I couldn't care less what I look like at school) and I was actually early. Unfortunately I went to talk to my friends before I went into school and they brought my mood down considerably. But after writing all through law (notes? What are you crazy?) in my journal and a note to Ali, my spirits rose again and now its after lunch and I'm feelin' pretty dern good again! YAY!
Ok, so my take on AtF- AWESOME!!! I REALLY hope we're going to Deeper Life, which is like Oasis! In April...after I'm 18! 1 month and a day!!! YAHOOO! Later days all.
Tim, it isn't a secret, you can tell the whole world if you want to! Ali...I'm going to need a little more info than "that one song" LOL See ya in about 2 hours!
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