PRESSIN ON (Relient K)

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Aleyways: Printer is located by check out desk


Printer is located by check out desk

So here I sit, in the library, during lunch, due to the absense of my faithful companion and best bud. No no, don't cry for me, I'll be ok, honestly. lol. Anyhoo, the days going by fast, which is super great! My mock trial went surprisingly well, especially considering that were weren't prepared to put any of our witnesses up today and we ended up finishing the whole thing! AND, we won! Score! So yeah, a little stressfull when the other side finished their witnesses and we still had an hour left, but, we did fine, our witnesses were great and I TORE APART the other side, well, a little, nibbled at them really. lol.

So this past weekend rocked...maybe even more than the one before that!

Friday- Hung with Ali and Cody, then Cody, then Cody and the G boys, then finally Ali, Cody and the G boys. lol. Then Ali and I ate at Homer's, hung with Sean and JC while they skated, after finding them that is! Man, Ali...we need some work on our locating and sneaking around skills! LOL! And although we pleaded until we were blue in the face (just an expression, not literal, ewww) they still will not comply to wear helmets, Sean just will not permis it! LOL! AH, sooo funny! After all this we went to Ali's house and had cookies and milk while watching ghost story stuff and looking up the haunted places on post. Then we watched What Lies Beneath, well Ali watched, as soon as Sam came and layed next to me, I was out. LOL. Then I woke up to watch Footloose! LOOOVE that movie! Love! lol! "So, you think you might ever kiss me?" LOL!

Saturday- was eventful fo sho. Had waffles and coffee at Ali's, then went home to become human. lol. We went shopping with Ali's mom for Ali a prom dress, but didn't find any. Then we went to On the Border and pigged out, mostly on chips and salsa.

Bell rang, to be continued......


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