The Rest of SB in a nutshell
Before I continue with my story, I must first express my deep sadness at the news of the 7 Project being canceled. I know there's nothing we can do about it, but still, it's pretty upsetting. I'm sure part of the decision had to do with timing, what with all the USALL stuff and Fred Phelps, the timing was bad. I still don't find that a suitable reason for canceling a harmless assembly and a chance to bring the word of Jesus into the lives of kids that really need to hear it. But, life goes on.
Anyways, back to the recap:
Tuesday cont.- Cody taught me how to play racket ball, which to my surprise is quite a bit different from tennis. Uh yeah, I'm not a natural racket ball player let's just say. Ryan and my skill levels are about the same, so we played and let Cody and Luke have their "big boy games." lol. It was fun. And that was about the end of tuesday.
Wednesday- Got up and watched Notting Hill, good movie. Then...did nothing. Went to worship practice. That went well. Youth Group was good. Then hung out for a while with Cody and JC while all the insane guys got hyped up about the oncoming (new word?) Halo Party! Woot, woot. lol.
Thursday- Got up and watched Runaway Bride (Yes, I do have a Julia Roberts obsession) and talked to Cody. Then went to the Harbor to meet Cody, JC and Tim, who were LATE! lol. Yeah, I was mad, I hate chilling at Harbor Lights for extended amounts of time (catch the sarcasm there? Good!) We all just hung out on the infamous H.L. couch. Looked at Pastor Dave's new bike (totally sweet, I want it!). Then....went home and baked cookies and watched CSI all evening.
Friday- This was my favorite day. Watched 10 Things I Hate About You. Hung out at the house for a little while. Then went with my mom to visit Angie. Came home. Called Cody. He came over and we hung out, half way listened to Brian Regan (love those moosen!) . Then went to talk to Erica at work. Decided we didn't want to go to Legends to see Stay Alive that night. (Like how I've eliminated the need for complete sentences? Cody, don't ever let your grandparents read this post! LOL!) Went back to Long John's to wait for Erica to get off work, which was.....forever! Luckily, Cody has a phd. in entertainment, so I wasn't the least little bit bored. Then we went to their grandparent's house to watch a movie. Went to Blockbuster (sorry Jon, it really is better) and ran into Kim, Eric and Sean. Got "House of Wax" oooooo. Pretty good movie, I give it 1.76589 thumbs up! lol. And to top it all off, I didn't even get in trouble for giving my mom the 411 over the answering machine! yay! LOL
Saturday- Watched CMT all morning. Went shopping with my mom to restock the unbelievable sparce cabinents. Ate the healthiest lunch I've had in months. Then went to play tennis with Cody, who turned out to be a natural. I love tennis, yup, love, I'd marry it if I could, honest! lol. Then I went to my dad's house, where I haven't been in months! Answered 10,000 questions of every kind, then just chatted with my stepmom. We went into town and got pizzas and ice cream that we consumed while watching their latest addiction, PBR (Pro Bull Riding) which is actually quite interesting! lol. Driving home I almost hit a deer then a oppossum, but managed to dodge both due to my cat-like reflexes.
Sunday- You were all there. Kids church, whole in the wall, chillin' at the C.C.
And this week has been, decent. Monday was good, mmm, stromboli! lol. And seeing as how Zoe didn't attack Cody with anything but overwhelming affection, I'd say he's safer than the rest were (lol....inside joke? I think) . Tuesday was uneventful. And so far today has been the longest, most boring day ever! I'm so serious! First hour lasted 20 years, 2nd hour was crazy long. Lunch was the only thing that went by fast and I could have done with more time in there! But, I am in seminar on the comp. which I didn't think I'd be able to do. Thank goodness for substitutes! lol. Tonight's youth group! YIPPEE! Oh, I can't contain the excitement, ok, fine, I'll try. See y'all tonight!
so are ya 18? LEGAL AND CRAZY!! jk!
I love you aley!!! (sisterly way, dont worry)
Hey! Get on Jon's little im thing!
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