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Aleyways: Blogging at light speed


Blogging at light speed

Ok, this is going to have to be really really fast! I have TONS of calc and crud not quite as..uh...cruddy as calc to do. BUT that doesn't mean I don't love each and every one of you....some more than! Ok, enough small talk.

Monday was flippin' awesome! I woke up at 10:30, very well-rested. I watched tv ( I won't say what to avoid mockery) and ate breakfast and had some wonderful coffee. Ali called and I through on some cloth someone sewed together and decided to call clothing. Clever huh? Ali and I did homework for an hour or so then decided our sweating brows were evidence enough to deserve a break. We kidnapped Hayden and went to the Metro Cafe. YUM, that's all I have to say about that. Their fries are OUT OF THIS WORLD good! MMMMMM! Anywho, then Ali came over and we watched a movie. Still proud of you Ali! lol. Then I went to Cody's and met *dun dun dun* the stepdad! He doesn't seem all that horrible, at least that's my take from the 2 minute encounter I had with him...not a terribly friendly guy. Then I receieved a first-class tour of the farm, which I enjoyed immensly (did I spell that wrong?, probably, no time for spell checks)! I got kissed by Chester the goat and got an evil glare from a goose I mistakenly addressed as a duck. My bad! Tally took care of him for me though...or it might have been the other way around. We watched "White Noise", decent movie, hard to follow, not scary. Then, something scary DID occur. Those crazy birds were up in the trees! It was like seeing a bunch of chickens in trees! Ok, maybe it's because I haven't been on "real" farms that often, but I have never seen anything like that. Those birds (or poultry, lol) are freaky, crazy, insane, take your pick. Yeah, I don't like those guinnie things at all. Wierd. But other than the birds, the other animals are awesome to say the least and Tally could entertain me for hours! I love that dog! Anywho, monday was pretty awesome, cool, fantabulous, take your pick. (that's right, it's reader's choice today on "Aley's Blog" ....*applause*)

Anywho, nothing happened tuesday. I went to the c.c. and was mistaken for some chics daughter then proceeded to listen while said lady told me over and over how much I looked like her daughter. She showed me a picture...uh...slight resemblence at best...I didn't really see it, but apparently it's uncanny! Then Cody and I worked out. But the weight room was freakishly quite and annoying loud at the same time, so we scurried out of there and walked 10 miles! Ok, fine minus 8. Then I went home and ate pasta! YUMMMM! And watched Gilmore Girls. Just chillin'.

And today, nothing but BAD pda, and by bad, I mean, same gender and it's weirding me out severely! STOP ALREADY!!!! GEEEZ! What people do in their own personal...enclosures is between them and God, but why do they have to display it for all to see!?!?! MAN, I can't WAIT to be out of LHS!

See y'all tonight, can't wait! Only 3 1/2 hours! lol


Blogger Aley said...

I'm ON!

11:46 AM  

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