WANTED: Prayer!
I am having some major difficulty with my future plans, mainly college. Here's the situation: I had pretty much settled on KU, everyone was happy with this dicision. Well, I didn't want to live in the dorms my first year so that led to two options. Option #1) Live at home and drive to Lawrence EVERY DAY! Lots of driving time and LOTS of gas. Or option #2) Live with my Dad in Oskaloosa, drive 20 minutes to Lawrence every day and drive home probably 2 or 3 times a week, still, lots of driving time, and lots of gas plus missing my friends, my boyfriend, and my beloved dog, Zoe (yeah, I'd miss her like crazy!). Neither of these options were to appealing to me, but I figured I'd decide on one of them sooner or later. Then I got a thing from KCKCC, like I've gotten 1000 times before, but I just dismissed it, because my mind has ALWAYS been set on not going to a community college. I used to be little miss perfection when it came to school and my education, and I would have NEVER thought of going to KCKCC before. This year my prospects and priorities have changed dramatically, and although my education is still super important to me, it has slipped to a slightly lower number on my list. I still don't know what I want to do when I get out of college...maybe train animals, maybe work at a zoo or national park, maybe I'll pick up the chief idea again, I really don't know. None of these requires the rigorous college experience becoming a vet (like I had always planned to do) would have. This does open up KCKCC as an option for my first year of college and evey logical part of my brain is screaming, "DO IT!" I could live at home, still be around everyone I want to be, still be a part of Vineyard (which I would go crazy if I weren't) plus I'm sure I would have to pay NOTHING to go there, heck, they'd pay me to go there, so I could either work and save for college the next year with a little room to play, or not work at all. I know one year of community college is not a big deal, but there's one thing that is nagging at me: my dad....My daddy has always bragged on me for getting such good grades and my high ambitions for my life and I'm afraid of what he'll think if I go to a community college. I'm afraid he'll think I'm just scared to leave home or I'm immature for not putting what needs to happen before what I want to happen. Maybe I'm blowing this all out of proportion, maybe he'd have nothing negative to say, but I'm terrified of disappointing my dad. I know, this is my decision, my life, but still...I am up to my ears in paralizing frustration. So I would greatly appreciate some prayer on all this. Thanks a lot guys!
There's a KCKCC branch down town, I could probably get most of my first year classes done right there....
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